Baby Girl First Name Generator

What Is the Greatest Generation?

T he Greatest Generation were born between 1901 and 1924. As adults, individuals have experienced the Great Depression and World War II. They grew up without modern appliances like air conditioning, radio, electricity and televisions.

W hat Is the Silent Generation?

I ndividuals born between 1924 and 1945 have coined the name, "Builders," and it makes a lot of sense why. They brought us happiness after the War with jazz, swing dancing, great movies, and even the little rodent himself, Mickey Mouse.

T he name "Silent" comes from the saying children born in this age were not meant to be "heard." They kept quiet and worked hard. This generation produced some powerful and influencer leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr, Malcolm X, and artists like John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix and Andy Warhol.

W ho Are Baby Boomers?

T he name "Baby Boomers" derived from the booming amount of births that took place when soldiers returned home after WWII ended in 1945. This generation were born into freedom and represented that freedom through their choices. This generation got high, dodged future drafts, lived the hippy life and dropped out to do what they loved. Baby Boomers were the first generation to have two-income households. Divorce became common as well.

W ho Are in Generation X?

S treet-smart, lonerangers coming from divorced or career-driven homes, born between 1965 and 1980. Our valued entrepreneurs who dreamed of something greater than they had. This generation experienced endless possibilities with the introduction of music videos and all sorts of new music genres including heavy metal, punk, grune, hip-hop and more. Craving finer things and not willing to wait to get what they want, this generation are the first real consumers of buying above their income.

Who Are Millennials and Generation Y?

B etter known to some as the "Peter Pan" generation because they never really want to grow up. Millennials and Generation Y were born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s. This generation is tech-savvy and in tune with marketing and sales.

M illennials are very different from their parents as they grew up experiencing one of the biggest changes: the Internet. Many had unlimited access to information causing their behavior to be influenced heavily from outside the home and their local surroundings. They had on-demand access to options as consumers. For example, they were seconds away from pricing comparison, product information and marketing approaches. These digital natives never had to travel to feel connected.

W ho Are in Generation Z?

B orn after 1995, this generation have never known a world without the Internet, cell phones and computers. They grew up with technology sitting seamlessly into their everyday lives. They are more savvy consumers, yet easier to influence their lifestyles with marketing. This generation is dependant on technology.

W hat Is Generation Alpha?

W hat happens with a Millennial has a baby? That child is then called an "Alpha." Generation Alpha is hands down the most tech-infused generation, being born between 2010 and 2025. They are the first generation all born in the 21st century.

Baby Girl First Name Generator


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